New LIFE to be..!!

9:43:00 PM

终于我“又”辞职啦~ 觉得要去新加坡闯一闯!GO!GO!GO!!!

Wait! Why everyone is asking me to think again? Is not like this is my first time leaving Malaysia.. Arh... I just wanna achieve something when I am young, and working in Singapore would be a stepping stone. Well, for the friends that support me, I am happy and thanks for believe in me. For those friends who ask me to think twice, I want to thank you for worrying about me, but I just need to explore more, going out from the place I feel safe, I don't mind falling down hurting myself as all will ended up a lessons for me to learn.

Wao! A new beginning of my life back from NZ... Looking forward for it!!

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2 clOvErs' wOrds

  1. 追吧!孩子!追逐的過程才是最美的!^^

  2. 没想到,一转眼,又好几个月了!我回来也有一年了!



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