
IntErvIEw AgAIn.....

4:30:00 PM

There is a good news and a bad news,
good news is, I receive a call to go for an interview,
Bad news is, two weeks is over and i think that
the pevious company is not going to HIRE me...
But, nevermind, is their loss for not considering me!!!
(is that to POSITIVE THINKING, or can be said is toO self-conceit?)
Hoh hoh... Erm.....

This time don't feel to be tense up anymore since my last experience
(I just know that interview is not that AWFUL as what i think before.....)

speaking for so long,
i haven't told you guys when i will be goin for that interview
Is on Monday, 3pm....
Venue, heehee, is just opposite my previous interview venue
Coincidence??? yup.... quite i think.... All the best for me ya!!!
Pray for me my brother and sister!!!

*taken last time before going to my interview....

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6 clOvErs' wOrds

  1. heehee...
    i had interview for many times ~
    nvm .. juz for experience
    god bless ~kambateh yah ~ahmei

  2. just saw ur blog...
    jia you oh...
    (although a bit late...)
    haha... =P

  3. haha... is ok!! tomolo i am going for another interview!!! pray for me ya!!!

  4. You have so many interview to attend. haha. What a busy woman. When are we going to hang out for dinner again?

  5. haha...YUP!! cos now decide not to continue study, so must faster find a work loh.... c when u got time den ask yee out again loh!!!



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